Want to be a Lifeguard?
Do you have what it takes to save a life? Confront safety? Speak with authority all while spinning a whistle on a lanyard? Then by all means fill out the application below and conduct the Online Training.
Job Description
As a lifeguard for the Hammond Hill Suburban Club your primary responsibility is the health and safety of the pool patrons. You should review the Lifeguard Handbook prior to applying. This includes everyone inside the pool enclosure. Anytime swimmers are in the pool, a lifeguard must be on duty, with the exception of a 10 minute per hour break. At that time adults (18 years of age and older) may swim at their own risk.
It is important for you to know the pool rules and enforce them consistently. You are responsible for everyone’s safety and are a role model for children. You must follow the rules as well if you want the members to follow them. Your behavior reflects on all the lifeguards.
Lifeguarding can be a lot of fun but is a very serious job. We expect you to be a responsible individual who understands the importance of a safe swimming environment. P to provide the safest environment possible we expect you to work as a team and share all responsibilities in caring for the facility, pool, and patrons.
Minimum qualifications
Must be 15 years old
Posses current Lifeguard training, First Aid, and CPR Certifications
Attend regular in-services and meetings
At the beginning of every pool season, each Lifeguard must sign a form stating that they have read/ reviewed the lifeguard manual and agree to the job responsibilities and pool rules.
Certifications/ licenses
It is your responsibility to be sure that you posses current lifeguard training documentation, CPR and First Aid certifications. Your certification must be current for everyday that you work. Copies of your certification cards are to be kept at the pool by the pool manager as required by the health department.